Art of Our Times — The Bank of Finland Collection

Valkonen, Markku
Title: Art of Our Times — The Bank of Finland Collection
Authors: Valkonen, Markku (Author)
Rehn, Olli (Preface by)
Kudel, Silja (Translator)
Wasastjerna, Nils (Photographs by)
Träskelin, Rauno (Photographs by)
Product number: 9789527441626
Product form: Hardcover
Availability: Delivery in 1-3 workdays
Publication date: 23.5.2023
Price: 44,00 € (38,60 € vat 0 %)

Publisher: Kustannusosakeyhtiö Parvs
Edition: 2023
Publication year: 2023
Language: English
Pages: 175
Product family: Visual Arts
Finnish library classification: 70 TAIDE. TAIDEHISTORIA
YSO - General Finnish ontology: taidekokoelmat, keskuspankit, taideteokset, taidehistoria
Key words: taide, taidekokoelmat, arkkitehtuuri, Suomen Pankki
The Bank of Finland's art collection is one of our nation's great cultural assets. Art of Our Times - The Bank of Finland Art Collection presents highlights from the 1,200-piece collection, which comprises paintings, graphic art and sculptures as well as monumental art integrated into the bank's architecture. The works in the collection not only reflect the artistic aspirations of their day but also hold a mirror to Finland's unfolding history and ethos. While celebrating art, this book additionally provides a glimpse into the bank building's colourful history and architectural significance.