Helene Schjerfbeck — Serlachius Collection

Kivirinta, Marja-Terttu
Title: Helene Schjerfbeck — Serlachius Collection
Authors: Kivirinta, Marja-Terttu (Author)
Garner, Michael (Translator)
Product number: 9789527226445
Product form: Paperback
Availability: Delivery in 1-3 workdays
Price: 15,00 € (13,16 € vat 0 %)

Publisher: Kustannusosakeyhtiö Parvs
Series: Göstan pieni taidekirjasto
Edition: 2019
Publication year: 2019
Language: English
Pages: 63
Product family: Visual Arts
Finnish library classification: 70.92 Yleinen taidehistoria, Suomi
YSO - General Finnish ontology: taidemuseot, taidekokoelmat, maalaustaide, kuvataiteilijat
The Serlachius Museums in Mänttä, Finland, hold a substantial collection of artworks by Helene Schjerfbeck (1862-1946). The Museums' founder, the leading Finnish industrialist Gösta Serlachius initially acquired works directly from the artist herself, with additions being made to the collection into the new millennium. This book sheds light on the stories behind this much-loved artist's reductive portraits. Schjerfbeck's models often came from her immediate circle - her favourite being her brother's son. A separate category is formed by the depictions of men, in which Schjerfbeck transgressed the norms of masculine representation. Her powerful self-portraits form the core of her production. This book shows a stable, liberated phase in Schjerfbeck's art.