Jiri Geller — Fuck the World!
Jaukkuri, Maaretta; Juntunen, Juho; Valjakka, Timo; Sivonen, PauliProduct information
Title: | Jiri Geller — Fuck the World! | ||
Authors: | Jaukkuri, Maaretta (Author) Juntunen, Juho (Author) Valjakka, Timo (Author) Sivonen, Pauli (Author) Kaipiainen, Petri (Photographs by) Mahkonen, Jani (Photographs by) Sjöström, Vilhelm (Photographs by) Virtanen, Petri (Photographs by) Kokkonen, Jüri (Translator) Sivill, Kaijamari (Translator) |
Product number: | 9789527226094 | ||
Product form: | Hardcover | ||
Availability: | Delivery in 1-3 workdays | ||
Price: | 36,00 € (31,58 € vat 0 %) | ||
Publisher: | Kustannusosakeyhtiö Parvs |
Edition: | 2017 |
Publication year: | 2017 |
Language: | Finnish , English |
Pages: | 103 |
Product family: | Sculpture Visual Arts |
Finnish library classification: | 73 KUVANVEISTOTAIDE |
YSO - General Finnish ontology: | taidenäyttelyt, kuvanveisto, poptaide, kuvataide, kuvanveistäjät |
Kuvanveistäjä Jiri Geller ammentaa teoksissaan populaarikulttuurin kuvastosta ja käyttää sitä työkalupakkinaan taiteellisiin päämääriinsä. Monitasoisia ja ristiriitaisia teoksia leimaavat loppuun saakka hiotut pinnat ja täydelliset muodot, ja niiden aiheisiin ovat taiteilijan uran alusta asti kuuluneet avaruus ja uskonnolliset figuurit. Nyt Geller on lisännyt aihevalikoimaansa ilmapallot, pääkallot, jäätelötötteröt ja ilotulitukset - sekä viime aikoina myös hymiöt ja astronautit. Gellerin teknisesti ja materiaalien suhteen vaativissa teoksissa on usein myös humoristinen juonne, joka saattaa kuitenkin hetkessä muuttua vakavaksi.
In his works, sculptor Jiri Geller draws upon the imagery of popular culture, using it as his toolbox to achieve his artistic aims. Geller’s contradictory works with their various levels are marked throughout by polished surfaces and perfect forms, and their motifs have included space and religious figures since the beginning of the artist’s career. Geller has now added balloons, skulls, ice-cream cones and fireworks to his subjects – and recently also smileys and astronauts. Demanding in terms of technique and materials, Geller’s works also have a humorous undertone, which, however, can suddenly become serious.
In his works, sculptor Jiri Geller draws upon the imagery of popular culture, using it as his toolbox to achieve his artistic aims. Geller’s contradictory works with their various levels are marked throughout by polished surfaces and perfect forms, and their motifs have included space and religious figures since the beginning of the artist’s career. Geller has now added balloons, skulls, ice-cream cones and fireworks to his subjects – and recently also smileys and astronauts. Demanding in terms of technique and materials, Geller’s works also have a humorous undertone, which, however, can suddenly become serious.