Rodney Graham — Artists and Models - Taiteilijoita ja malleja
Nilsson, John Peter; Sivonen, Pauli; Valjakka, TimoProduct information
Title: | Rodney Graham — Artists and Models - Taiteilijoita ja malleja | ||
Authors: | Nilsson, John Peter (Author) Sivonen, Pauli (Author) Valjakka, Timo (Author) |
Product number: | 9789527226551 | ||
Product form: | Hardcover | ||
Availability: | Delivery in 1-3 workdays | ||
Price: | 34,00 € (29,82 € vat 0 %) | ||
Publisher: | Kustannusosakeyhtiö Parvs |
Series: | Serlachius-museoiden julkaisuja 68 |
Edition: | 2020 |
Publication year: | 2020 |
Language: | English, Finnish |
Pages: | 94 |
Product family: | Visual Arts Other Subjects |
Finnish library classification: | 70 TAIDE. TAIDEHISTORIA |
YSO - General Finnish ontology: | taidenäyttelyt, kuvataiteilijat, nykytaide, videotaide, installaatiot, valokuvataide, kuvataide, taidekäsitykset, ilmaisu, estetiikka |
Rodney Graham (s. 1949) on Kanadan arvostetuimpia nykytaiteilijoita. Hän tarkastelee teoksissaan länsimaisen kulttuurin kerrostumia ja kollektiivista muistia. Graham käyttää lähtökohtinaan laajoja viittauksia filosofiaan, psykoanalyysiin, eri aikakausien taiteeseen ja populaarikulttuuriin. Hänet tunnetaan parhaiten monumentaalisista valokuvateoksista, joissa hän omaksuu erilaisia valeasuisia ja kuvitteellisia rooleja. Teoksia leimaavat paitsi hienovireinen nostalgia ja melankolia myös lempeä huumori ja runollinen ironia.
Rodney Graham (b. 1949) ranks among Canada's most acclaimed contemporary artists. His work engages with themes such as collective memory and the interlayered nature of western culture. It is informed by references to philosophy, psychoanalysis, art history, and popular culture. Graham is best known for his monumental photographic installations in which he dons costumes and plays fictitious roles. His work is tinged with subtle nostalgia and melancholy, tempered by gentle humour and poetic irony.
Rodney Graham (b. 1949) ranks among Canada's most acclaimed contemporary artists. His work engages with themes such as collective memory and the interlayered nature of western culture. It is informed by references to philosophy, psychoanalysis, art history, and popular culture. Graham is best known for his monumental photographic installations in which he dons costumes and plays fictitious roles. His work is tinged with subtle nostalgia and melancholy, tempered by gentle humour and poetic irony.